Pronouncing the S Sound (+ Examples and Tips for Practice) (2024)

Word lists (like the one above) are often made available to aid in making learning more effective and fun. You can also choose words that may be related to your child’s favorite activities, characters, and interests.

Speech-Language Pathologist can help you come up with customized word lists for your child, as well as accompanying fun activities.

Pronouncing the S Sound (+ Examples and Tips for Practice) (1)

Different Milestones of Progress

Knowing what your child is specifically struggling with is important when trying to master a new sound. So it’s important to know at what level your child’s pronunciation is at.

Whenever there’s an articulation or pronunciation issue, speech therapists conduct an evaluation that determines the level they can work at. Based on the milestones set, this will help them create a plan that’s more customized to your child’s exact needs.

Here are some basic levels of progress that your child may go through to master the /s/ sound:

1) Isolation Level – just producing the sound itself (“sss”)
2) Syllable Level – understanding specific syllables (“sa”, “so”, “si”)
3) Word Level – using words with the target sound (“saw”). This may progress to more and more syllables, and as explained earlier, different sound positions.
4) Sentence Level – using the /s/ sound words in a sentence. (“I drank a glass of sweet apple juice.”)

At home, you can approximately tell if your child can move on with the next level. If they produce the sound accurately 80% of the time, you’re good to go. With a speech-language pathologist helping out, you can have a clearer picture of their progress.

Pronouncing the S Sound (+ Examples and Tips for Practice) (2)

Activities and Techniques for Practicing the /s/ Sound

You can start with a few ways to help your child practice the /s/ sound at home. Of course, not all tips may be applicable for your child. contacting an SLP is the best way to get specific and tailored techniques.

1) Label the S Sound Differently

Kids may find it fun to rename the /s/ sound with a different name, like “slithering snake”. You can try out different names and see which one your child likes best.

When children with a lisp hear the usual instruction to “say their /s/ sound”, their mouth and tongue often repeat the same mistake. Renaming the sound tricks their mind into forming a new and correct motor pattern, making it easier to make the intended sound.

2) Do It Like a “Ssssnake”

Much like learning other animal sounds, repetition and lengthening can help them practice. Hissing or talking like a snake with them can help them get used to the correct production of /s/.

This method will help them practice the continuous airflow required to produce the “sssss” sound.

Correcting Your Child and Giving Feedback

Making sure that your child’s making progress is important, and correcting their errors is a part of that. Giving constructive feedback starts at a young age.

When correcting a child’s pronunciation, you should be specific and give examples of their errors, such as “Oops, you left off the snake sound. You said “tee” instead of “tease”.”

When the sound is produced correctly, the parent can provide positive feedback, such as “I heard your /s/ sound in the word ‘star’, good job!”

Don’t forget to encourage and be patient! Helping your child with articulation practice will pay off in their lifetime.

3) Set an Example

Your child loves to follow what you do, so use it to your advantage and practice modelling.Have them watch closely as you say the sound slowly with your mouth, with your tongue staying down and your air continuing to flow.

When you say a word with the /s/ sound, and make sure to stretch out the sound if your child is leaving it off. Encourage them to listen closely to the sound and try to repeat it.

When they make an incorrect sound, try to replicate it, then make the /s/ sound the correct way and explain the difference in tongue positioning.

4) Get Some Tactile Aids (Spoons, Straws, etc.)

Some tools may help explain how airflow and positioning words. You can hold a straw up to your front teeth and feel the airflow.

If it’s flowing at the end of the straw, that’s the correct position. If it’s the wrong way, it will flow at the sides of your tongue. You can have your child observe try it out as well.

Another effective way is using a small spoon and placing it on their tongue. See if they can produce the /s/ sound this way, as it will help them create a “bowl” in their tongue that directs the airflow.

5) Practice with /t/ First

Starting with a simpler sound that they already know may also help. Have your child watch your mouth as you make the /s/ sound. Then, ask them to make a /t/ sound.

Repeat /t/ a few times with them, then extend the sound and add airflow. This should help produce a “ttttttttssssss” transformation to an /s/ sound.

When they get used to this exercise you can introduce words that have /t/ and /s/ together (like “cats”). Eventually you can remove the /t/ sound with enough practice.

6) Using the Sounds in Everyday Sentences

The practical way to practice is, of course, using /s/ words everyday.

Ask them about their interests to encourage them to use the sound. You can also ask them to describe what they “see” or ask what characters “said”, prompting them to both listen and repeat the sound in their own way.

7) Using Minimal Pairs

Minimal pairs are pairs of words that have only one sound that’s different between them. For example, the word “sight” and “kite” only has their initial letters different (/s/ and /k/), despite the spelling difference. “Soap” and “rope” is another example (/s/ and /r/).

Using these pairs will help them focus on the differing sounds and produce them more accurately. Using cards with the two words can help with regular practice too.

Working on speech sounds can be a long process, but it’s important to help your child improve their articulation and pronunciation, especially for target sounds like /s/.

Think of it like exercising: we begin by teaching the sound, then practice it in isolation, then syllables, then words, and eventually at the sentence and conversational level.

Short, frequent practice sessions are also more effective than longer, infrequent sessions. Try to fit in a few 5-minute sessions throughout the week, even while doing other activities at home. The more you practice, the faster your child will improve.

Looking for a more tailored program for your child? Do they have other pronunciation issues? Reach out to our team and let’s look at how we can help them grow together.

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Pronouncing the S Sound (+ Examples and Tips for Practice) (2024)
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